
Showing posts from May, 2020

Abdul-Baha relate how the Purest Branch came to his death

In reproducing the photograph of the "Purest Branch" so lovingly sent by the maid-servant of God, Fareeza Khanum, to the friends in the Occident, the following extracts from the "Life and Teachings of Abbas Effendi" (Abdul-Baha) by Myron H. Phelps, relating how the "Purest Branch" came to his death, will be of interest: "We were imprisoned in the barracks, without any substantial change in our manner of life, for two years. During this time none of us left the prison. One evening towards the end of the second year, my younger brother came, as was his habit, to write for his Father. But as he was not very well, and as others of the family were also ill, the Blessed Perfection (Baha'o'llah) told him to go and come later. So he went up to the flat roof of the barracks, where we were accustomed to walk, and which was our only recourse for fresh air and exercise. He was walking up and down repeating Tablets and gazing at the sky, when he stumbled, ...
Blessed art thou,  [1]  and blessed he that turneth unto thee, and visiteth thy grave, and draweth nigh, through thee, unto God, the Lord of all that was and shall be.... I testify that thou didst return in meekness unto thine abode. Great is thy blessedness and the blessedness of them that hold fast unto the hem of thy outspread robe.... Thou art, verily, the trust of God and His treasure in this land. Erelong will God reveal through thee that which He hath desired. He, verily, is the Truth, the Knower of things unseen. When thou wast laid to rest in the earth, the earth itself trembled in its longing to meet thee. Thus hath it been decreed, and yet the people perceive not.... Were We to recount the mysteries of thine ascension, they that are asleep would waken, and all beings would be set ablaze with the fire of the remembrance of My Name, the Mighty, the Loving.  - Baha’u’llah   (Quoted by Shoghi Effendi in a letter dated December 21, 1939; ‘Messages to America’)
Le sacrifice de la plus pure Branche  Mirza Mihdi vécut sa tendre enfance dans le berceau de l'adversité pendant les jours d'angoisse et de détresse de sa famille. Son existence fut ensuite empreinte par la séparation et les calamités. De nature délicate, son seul refuge était les bras de sa mère ou ceux de sa soeur affectueuse. Mais la Providence l'en priva également. Durant sept ans, il vivra séparé de ses parents bien-aimés. A Baghdad, il est subjugué par les forces de la révélation divine et décide de se dévouer entièrement au service de la Cause de Dieu. Il accompagne Baha'u'llah de Baghdad à Akka et partage ses souffrances. Tout au long de sa courte vie pleine d'événements, il affronte les douleurs et les afflictions avec sa douceur naturelle et ses qualités spirituelles très élevées. Il est heureux auprès de son Seigneur en exil et à l'intérieur des murs de prison. Les croyants admirent son humilité, son effacement et sa piété, ils l'aiment et le ...

Mirza MIHDI - The Purest Branch

1848 (In the year The birth of Mírzá Mihdí, `the Purest Branch', the son of Bahá'u'lláh and His wife Ásíyih Khánum (Navváb in the family’s rented house near the Shemiran Gate (Darvázih Shimrán) in northern Tehran. He was named after Mihdí, Bahá’u’lláh’s elder full brother, who was dear to Him and who had recently died. In later years Bahá’u’lláh gave Mírzá Mihdí the title "the Purest Branch." He  resembled ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in appearance and character and was noted for his piety, gentleness, dignity, courtesy, and patience.  Throughout his brief adult life, Mírzá Mihdí was Bahá’u’lláh’s companion and served as one of His secretaries, recording the sacred tablets that He revealed.  Many such manuscripts in Mírzá Mihdí’s excellent handwriting are extant."  Despite his youth, Mírzá Mihdí was accustomed to hardship and was recognized as "a pillar of strength" among the exiles during the difficult period In January of 1953  Bahá'u'lláh and His family ...

poeme et chant

Mehdi – La Branche la plus pure C’est Toi, le petit Mehdi, Qui as donné sa vie ! Sur le toit de la prison d’Akka, pour nous tous, Tu prias. Mais, soudain, du toit Tu tombas, sur des planches Tu t’empalas ! A Bahá’u’lláh Tu demandas d’accepter le don de ta vie pour qu’enfin s’ouvre la Plus grande Prison. Fort ému, Il reçut cette rançon qui assure notre rédemption. Hommage à Navvab – la Feuille exaltée La Feuille exaltée, Navvab, la préférée de Bahá’u’lláh ! Dans tous les mondes de Dieu, dit Bahá’u’lláh,   Navvab accompagnera nos prières, nos vœux, et, là-haut, dans les cieux, la Feuille exaltée pour nous intercèdera, si, à son tombeau sacré, avec foi, tu prieras. paroles et musique par Daniel Schaubacher
Mihdí, Mírzá (1848–70) Son of Bahá’u’lláh, who entitled him "the Purest Branch" (Ghusnu’lláhu’l-Athar); younger brother of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Bahíyyih Khánum. LIFE Mírzá Mihdí was the youngest of three surviving children of Bahá’u’lláh and His wife Ásíyih Khánum, who is generally known by the title Navváb (Highness). Mírzá Mihdí was born in 1848 in the family’s rented house near the Shemiran Gate (Darvázih Shimrán) in northern Tehran. He was named after Mihdí, Bahá’u’lláh’s elder full brother, who was dear to Him and who had recently died.  #In later years Bahá’u’lláh gave Mírzá Mihdí the title "the Purest Branch." Mírzá Mihdí was four years old when Bahá’u’lláh was imprisoned with a number of other Bábís in the Siyáh-Chál (Black Pit) dungeon in Tehran in August 1852 and the family’s possessions were plundered and seized. Four months later, Bahá’u’lláh was released and then banished for life from Iran. He chose to go to Baghdad, the capital of the Ottoman province of...

Mírzá Mihdí – The most Pure Branch

Hail to Thee, Sacrifice of Glory . .. A dedicated compilations/ documents for the forthcoming of the 150th commemoration of the martyrdom of Mírzá Mihdí – The most Pure Branch 1st posting (will keep posting until the 22rd of June 2020 marking the day He was fatally wounded when he fell from the roof of the sunset and passed away 22 hours later on the 23rd of June, 1870 Tablet from Baha'u'llah concerning the Purest Branch picture of a Tablet revealed by Baha'u'llah at the time when the Purest Branch was being prepared for the grave in His presence The third child of Navvab was her noble and long-suffering son, the Purest Branch. He was the one who, in the prime of youth, offered up his life in the path of his Lord.[1] In a prayer revealed after his martyrdom Bahá'u'lláh makes the following statement which Shoghi Effendi describes as astounding: [1 For a more detailed study of his life, see The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, vol. 3.] "...

MIRZA MIHDI the Purest Branch

MIRZA Mehdi was chanting "" THE ODE OF THE DOVE revealed by Baha'ullah"" on the top of the prison cell that fatadic day At My heart's breaking, springs broke through the earth; My open eyes caused heaven's eye to flow. . My spirit's grief cut short the endless Soul; the Most High Throne shook at My suffering's glow. . Red everywhere was reddened by My blood, . For bitter hurt in thy love's path is sweet ; Extract from The Ode to the Dove